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Writer's pictureDara Bolaji


Updated: May 27, 2019

After working with just text I wanted to combine text with imagery. I used photos and then decided I would paint cause that just felt more right. Here the text was not a direct explanation of the painting, but a fictional construction of how I imagine the item might have found its way into the drain. Like, when you play that game where you see people at the bus stop and imagine their life and the reason they're at the bus stop

"There once was a little boy named Timothy. He was 4 years old and lived with his Mummy and his big sister Dorothy in an apartment on the 3rd floor. Timothy had a blue plastic toy that he loved more than any boy has ever love a toy before.

One day big sister Dorothy came home tired form her Karate class to find little brother Timothy on her side of their shared bedroom. He had attached a pair of her knickers to his toy and was stood on her bed, ready to launch his DIY parachute. When Timothy released his toy, an enraged Dorothy karate-kicked it straight out of the open window.

In a cascade of tears, Timothy ran downstairs with his Mummy to look for his toy but they couldn’t find it because it had fallen into this drain. Timothy will never know what became of his toy, and his toy will never know what became of Timothy."

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